Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
It's just been so brilliant.
Musical day was just awesome.
And last night/this morning was just AWESOME.
My phone doesn't switch off on it's own/have eeky keys/take terrible pictures/isn't retarded anymore! hallelujah!
this is the brilliantest christmas EVER.
Monday, December 17, 2007

In life, we must always live for something, for a purpose. But that doesn't mean there isn't time for fun!
But all in all, whatever He's given me, I'm going to use it for His glory. There's not point in me keeping it to myself or not using it at all. But whatever I do, it's to let people know that it's not me, it's Him. And if I'm always in hiding, no one will ever know what He's given and the awesomeness He is.
I'm ever so thankful that God has blessed me with a family (spiritual too) that supports His work in and through me. That guides me and allows me space to grow and learn yet correcting me when there's a need.
There's SO much to be thankful for this year. Even though there were plenty of setbacks. But I'm just really glad everything is in His hands. Actually pinky. But who's complaining right.
CHRISTMAS is the greatest time of the year. Brings such joy to people who know Him and even to those who don't. Though we get the more glorious end of the candycane.
Pretty lights and giant trees. Mountains of candy and presents, OH presents! Festive music, choral singing, dancing children. It's the loveliest time of the year. It's so unexplainable, it's just AWESOME.
Unexplainable like how God sent us Jesus. The greatest gift of all. To be nailed to a tree to save us from eternal damnation.
Like how God gave, there's no greater Christmas/birthday present than to give. The joy of giving. To give to others what God has given to me.
Christmas isn't a time for self-admiration. There's no time for that! If you make the greatest muffins, draw the prettiest christmas tree, plan the awesomest outing, can play 'silent night' on water-filled wineglasses, it's a talent God has given you. SHARE IT. Because with what you can do, it brings joy to others. And that's what we should be doing. Sharing the love!
It's the perfect time to go out there and share the love of Jesus Christ. Everytime a Christmas carol is sung, I feel terribly fuzzy inside. What a wonderful feeling!
It's just such an awesome time of the year. Sacrifices have been made. But I always tell myself to re-focus and to know that it's about Him, not puny old me.
And like God gave, I'mma give too.
So join me,
Thursday, November 29, 2007

a mark left by a healed wound, sore, or burn.
a lasting aftereffect of trouble, esp. a lasting psychological injury resulting from suffering or trauma.
any blemish remaining as a trace of or resulting from injury or use.
Botany. a mark indicating a former point of attachment, as where a leaf has fallen from a stem. –verb (used with object)
to mark with a scar. –verb (used without object)
to form a scar in healing.
[Origin: 1350–1400; ME; aph. var. of eschar]
The picture top left would be def no.4 . I would have gotten a human one except everything just seemed so graphic. *pukes*
(I intended to write a thought essay on it, but apparently, well , words fail me today. I shall edit this post when, well, uh. I shall edit this post soon, I guess)
But lets just say, physical scars (and sometimes emotional scars) can be pretty unplesant to the eye. But beneath each one (fourty), there's always a story to tell. Scars mark a period of time in our lives, they last a really long time or sometimes even an eternity.
Memories are quintessential to the person we are today. Which would be why people enjoy keeping objects which remind them of something, somewhere or someone. Shoeboxes of photographs, diaries, charms or even a sock we'd keep as a physical reminder. Would be the reason why most people get tattooes. A prettier (notallthetime, sadly) man-made scar. That's most of the time at least, which leaves the on-impulse, i'm-still-young-and-stupid tattoes you regret 1-10 years later for another time.
Memories are a powerful tool that can conjure up different emotions. Emotion itself is powerful to the point where life and well-being depend on it.
However, it is true that memories not only consist of pink ponies and flying unicorns which bring you candy but also evil witches with intentions to cook you and feed you to their minionions (minions).
Though some memories we want not but to leave to burn in the furnace, it's really up to us to use 'em wisely. It'd make one or break one.
Scars I have, not one, but many. But to each one, there's a story.
What's important is that I've stood up and said I've made it.
You should too, cause what you've been through can make you a better person.
I'm a year smarter, wiser from last year. I'm glad I waited.
All thanks to You, for I was young(er) and stupid(er), and if it wasn't for You I'd be burning in the depths of hell.
Right now, I wouldn't have wished for things to be any different.
Cause scars I have, not one, but many. But like I said, to each one a story.
This is when the blessings come. I see an avalanche.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007

I swear there's some conspiracy going on down at West coast park.
For one, the bites itch like crazy. And what's worst is that they seems to be multiplying. And now I have like a kazillion more.
''Oh stop being such a baby. They're just mosquito bites.'' They said.
I'd take another shot of the blooming galore of bites. But that would cause detrimental effects to the human eye.
I warn you first. Cause it ain't pretteh1.

For they have once again been fooled. MOSQUITO BITES, these are not. MOSQUITOES, those weren't. I'll tell you what they are, even if it'll cost me my foot or another precious limb. But the people have to know.
Be prepared. For what you are about to read/see/look at may change your life forever. After many years2 of research, I've finally come up with an answer to why these 'bugs' are getting more intelligent and are marking us with such precision and leaving behind unbearable toxins that causes psychological damage and illusions that may one day take over the planet and what not.
(Not drawn according to scale)
The mosquito man. In other words, it's a really tiny man wearing a disguise of a mosquito which enables him to parade around and such. Like how kid(s) would run out of the toilet in their towels pretending to be butterflies. Except with a tat more seriousness and a pinch of plan of world domination. The really tiny man then flies around with a vial of green concoction and stabs at random objects. Which does God-knows-what to our bodies and random objects.
So the next time you think of keeping a mosquito as a pet. THINK AGAIN.
But all in all, it's for the greater good.
XXOO.1- pretty.
2- minutes of wild imagination.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
in alphabetical order-
. Anemone. -2 points for having the same name as an eeky sea creature. +1 point for being purple.
Chrysathemums Daisy. +8 points for having an imaginary smiley face
Cylamen. +5 points for being exotic and having a red stem.
Calla mini lily. +5 points for simplicity and colour.
Daffodil. +1 point for a really cute name.
Dahlia. -1 point for looking like it exploded.
Dendrobium orchids
gerbera DAISY. +10 points. why not right?
Monkshood. What a funky name for such a pretty flower. -2 points.
Narcissus. +8 point for being asthetically pleasing.
Nerine. +10 points for being pretty.
Rose disco. I don't see how. But okay. -1 point.
Rose french anna +3 points for a lovely shade and +1 point for a french name. I'm just joking. You don't get points for having a french name. -1 point.
Rose laminuette. +5 points for having shades and mutiple colours.
Rose mascara. What's next? Rose eyeliner? -1 point.
Rose passion. +1 point for looking breakable.+6 points for looking like it was stolen from the sets of Beauty and the Beast.
Scabiosa. +3 points for looking like dyed tissue on a stalk.
Stargazer. +7 points for a cool name and pretty flowers. -2 points for looking like hotel ornaments.
Sunflower. +3 points for having an imaginary smiley face.
Sweet pea. +5 points for looking gentle and for sounding edible. -1 point cause I don't like peas.
Parrot tulip
just for kicks-
Flowers with names that sound very much like people I know.
.Belledonna, also known as Delphinium
Rose Crystalline
Rose Rapheala
Rose Nicole
(Results will be posted as soon as bonus points are calculated with the already given point. Points are given in 4 catergories. 1. Looks, 2. Style, 3. Size and 4.Musical capabilities.)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

let me tell you about my eggciting trip to the florist today with sandra.
So we were at Parkway, see, and we were on the way to the florist.
We had KFC before that. And it was disgusting with all the fat and oily skin.
We then arrived punctually at the florist exactly after 10% of consumed fats had converted into poo.
But they would have been surprised to know we were on to them.
We discreetly made sure our hand-held tazers were carefully positioned at 129 degrees in our skin-mouflage stomach pouches.
But I knew they were the lost fairies of Fallengsthar
The shopkeeper when questioned said the hydrangeas weren't in today.
I questioned him again and he insisted they weren't.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
04 NOV 07

Happy 17th Birthday Crystal.
I was just counting in my head. If we've been friends for 7 years, it would mean that we met when we were 10. Dorky lil kids.
I LOVE YOU TO BITS CRYSTAL. No matter what happens I'll always be there for you ohkayzz.
Happy Birthday loves. boys are stupid.
Friday, November 2, 2007
I shall watch it again.
And then I shall Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket.
You know why?
Cause then it'll never, ever ever fade away.
Cause I'm sure the wall guard would beat the crap outta you.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
one. Cause you're not the only one that lives/will live on this planet, you selfish jerk.
other one. DON'T consume endangered animals or 'novelty' creatures.
other two. DON'T purchase endangered animals or 'novelty' creatures.
three. DON'T poach animals. Don't poke them either.
four. Switch on a fan instead of the air-conditioning once in a while and know that you've just not contributed as much to creating a massive hole in the 'O' zone layer in that particular while.
five. ADOPT a stray and treat it well. If what you picked up was a child, I suggest bringing it to a police station quick. Be WEARY, for it may cast a spell on you and leave you penniless/centless. If what you picked up looks like a fat cat but smells like trash and is covered in printed words, it probably IS trash.
six. Support public transport or car pool. NEVER pee in the pool. It's disgusting.
seven. DON'T dump your litter just anywhere you morons. Reuse them if they're non-biodegradable.
eight. DON'T smoke. Esp in public or at home. Give a thought for the kids. HAVE A HEART. Otherwise it'll slowly clog up, all black, disgusting and TOTALLY unattractive and explode into a million and one pieces (like confetti) when you least expect.
two. Cause saving the earth is totally the other coolest thing to do, after following Jesus.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Hi benjy…
Wanna write a poem?
Ok go..
Upon a tree
I ate a bee
And couldn’t see
The tree
Is it just me?
Or sandra dee
It couldn’t be
Upon a star
Not very far
I wished for a car
Made of tar
Okay, nah
Like that lar
A panda walked into a bar
the bartender went, "hah!"
And he shone like the moon
and he looked like a spoon
Once in a blue baboon
though it really was a raccoon
Before he had breakfast – eggs and an afternoon
he went out and found a blue mushroom
Good poem there, benjy.
Thanks. Rhyme this – REFRIGERATOR
elevator, Rhyme this –ORANGE
Doesn’t work that way. Rhyme this – WINDOW
I win. (:
and ever
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
thereby rendering him incapable of continuing. This causes him to trip over his laces (and cutting them with the blade)
and falling on his face (whichever side he is)
and spilling yolk all over the ring
which, needless to say,
causes a disastrous pandemic which spreads across the whole ring
people slipping and falling, only to gobble a quick delicious nutritious meal of yolk on the ice before realising their buttocks are screaming in pain.
oohhh the horror. "