Sunday, October 21, 2007

2 Reasons why YOU should totally start doing your freakin part to help conserve the environment before it's like, too late

and 8 other reasons how YOU could like totally do that.

one. Cause you're not the only one that lives/will live on this planet, you selfish jerk.

other one.
DON'T consume endangered animals or 'novelty' creatures.

other two. DON'T purchase endangered animals or 'novelty' creatures.

three. DON'T poach animals. Don't poke them either.

four. Switch on a fan instead of the air-conditioning once in a while and know that you've just not contributed as much to creating a massive hole in the 'O' zone layer in that particular while.

five. ADOPT a stray and treat it well. If what you picked up was a child, I suggest bringing it to a police station quick. Be WEARY, for it may cast a spell on you and leave you penniless/centless. If what you picked up looks like a fat cat but smells like trash and is covered in printed words, it probably IS trash.

six. Support public transport or car pool. NEVER pee in the pool. It's disgusting.

seven. DON'T dump your litter just anywhere you morons. Reuse them if they're non-biodegradable.

eight. DON'T smoke. Esp in public or at home. Give a thought for the kids. HAVE A HEART. Otherwise it'll slowly clog up, all black, disgusting and TOTALLY unattractive and explode into a million and one pieces (like confetti) when you least expect.

two. Cause saving the earth is totally the other coolest thing to do, after following Jesus.


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