I swear there's some conspiracy going on down at West coast park.
For one, the bites itch like crazy. And what's worst is that they seems to be multiplying. And now I have like a kazillion more.
''Oh stop being such a baby. They're just mosquito bites.'' They said.
I'd take another shot of the blooming galore of bites. But that would cause detrimental effects to the human eye.
I warn you first. Cause it ain't pretteh1.

For they have once again been fooled. MOSQUITO BITES, these are not. MOSQUITOES, those weren't. I'll tell you what they are, even if it'll cost me my foot or another precious limb. But the people have to know.
Be prepared. For what you are about to read/see/look at may change your life forever. After many years2 of research, I've finally come up with an answer to why these 'bugs' are getting more intelligent and are marking us with such precision and leaving behind unbearable toxins that causes psychological damage and illusions that may one day take over the planet and what not.
(Not drawn according to scale)
The mosquito man. In other words, it's a really tiny man wearing a disguise of a mosquito which enables him to parade around and such. Like how kid(s) would run out of the toilet in their towels pretending to be butterflies. Except with a tat more seriousness and a pinch of plan of world domination. The really tiny man then flies around with a vial of green concoction and stabs at random objects. Which does God-knows-what to our bodies and random objects.
So the next time you think of keeping a mosquito as a pet. THINK AGAIN.
But all in all, it's for the greater good.
XXOO.1- pretty.
2- minutes of wild imagination.
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