let me tell you about my eggciting trip to the florist today with sandra.
we were at this nice florist at parkway trying tofind out what hydrangeas looked like.
so we were asking the guy what the different flowers were called.
then sandra dared me to point at the sunflower and ask him what it was...
after much hesistation, i went ahead with it since, aiya whatever right.
so i asked him.
he's such a nice guy anyhooz, he replied "they're sunflowers"and smiled really sincerely.
he didnt give the "are you stupid or what" look.
nice hoooor...
after that we just laughed hysterically.
next, we're going to come up with stupid nameswhen we order drinks at coffee bean.
we might try 'britney shears' or 'paris milton'
That's Crystal's version. But let me tell you what REALLY happened.
So we were at Parkway, see, and we were on the way to the florist.
We had KFC before that. And it was disgusting with all the fat and oily skin.
So we were at Parkway, see, and we were on the way to the florist.
We had KFC before that. And it was disgusting with all the fat and oily skin.
So we had to walk it off.
We then arrived punctually at the florist exactly after 10% of consumed fats had converted into poo.
We then arrived punctually at the florist exactly after 10% of consumed fats had converted into poo.
Upon arrival, we were greeted by tons and tons of luminating flowers that were secretly planning their escape.
But they would have been surprised to know we were on to them.
We discreetly made sure our hand-held tazers were carefully positioned at 129 degrees in our skin-mouflage stomach pouches.
But they would have been surprised to know we were on to them.
We discreetly made sure our hand-held tazers were carefully positioned at 129 degrees in our skin-mouflage stomach pouches.
Crystal insisted hydrangeas were flowers.
But I knew they were the lost fairies of Fallengsthar
But I knew they were the lost fairies of Fallengsthar
I was an under-the-covers uncover agent sent by the palace to restore the edible powers of Queen Awenmacandee.
And my primary objective of today was to check on Aiem and Aflaur.
The shopkeeper when questioned said the hydrangeas weren't in today.
The shopkeeper when questioned said the hydrangeas weren't in today.
I knew it couldn't be true.
I questioned him again and he insisted they weren't.
I questioned him again and he insisted they weren't.
Then his eyes flashed a dim amethyst.
My intuition was right, he had lied.
I needed a distraction to check out and inspect the rest of the shop.
So I forced a brain-blast and came up with an ingenious plan.
I dared crystal to ask the man what the 'big yellow flowers' were.
At the very moment I completed my sentence, I raised my left brow 1.45mm above the normal axis and twiched my lower lip twice in a second.
It was a secret code we both knew to trust the other when one had a sudden increase of brain activity.
After much silent discussion of silent coded giggles, Crystal pointed at the sunflower and inquired what kind of a flower it was.
To which the shopkeeper replied, "they're sunflowers." And then he smiled.
Suddenly, green smoke started emitting from the corners of his cranium and we were smopetrified after being enveloped in potato smelling fog.
And here I am... until next time.
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