Tuesday, May 1, 2007


OMG.I TOTALLY HEART BENJI.You know why? cause he's hot. HAHA. ( :
i totally can't believe he's actually in singapore. ((((:

My lecturer bought us pizza today. He wasnt cranky, cause alex wasnt there.

I had the weirdest dream last night. I was doing my own tattoo. My right arm was covered in odd looking tattoos. There was an ugly cartoon looking tattoo. so tak glam can. And apparently I did a smily face on my right hand like above the wrist too. And after I was done, i regretted it cause it was way ugly. And then I ran to the toilet and franticly(sp?) tried to wash it off. It was eeky. Then suddenly there was this cute guy. Or so I thought. It was like I knew him, but now I don't remember.

The bored never have fun yet boredom inspire fun.

Without joy there's be no fun, without fun there'd be grey.
I love fun. i live on it.


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