Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The time is Now.

It's high time we did our part to conserve the world we live in.

Who cares what I did for the day, we MUST care for this planet because every selfish day that we live our very selfish life of running water and making fotresses of plastic bags, we are pushing our earth to the very edge of destruction. God created this very planet for us, so shoudnt we be taking care of it instead of taking Her for granted?

Everytime you decide to turn on your air-conditioning because your mind perceives that it's too bloody warm for you to sleep, you're taking a peice out of the O zone layer. you selfish bastard. And because of that, it's get warmer, water level rises and you're contributing to the sick economy that robs us to kill Mother Nature. Also, a word to the people who have black smoke emitting from the ass of your vehicle, I detest you, wouldn't kill to get it fixed, now would it. On the other hand, it would kill if you don't fix it. Unless you want to drown in your little island, stop the carbon monoxide pollution and get it fixed.

And all you spineless democrates who consume exotic food like Turtle soup, Dog's meat and the other sick things you people can come with. Shark's Fin soup, is it THAT hard to refuse something, to make a stand, to help protect the poor creatures that are tortured to death. There are only 4 species out of the hundereds that are man-eating sharks, so don't give the pathetic excuse that they eat us so why not do the same. These amazing creatures are being caught only to have they're fins brutally cut off and then being thrown carelessly back in to the sea, left to bleed and die.

Not only the eating but the buying of Rhinoceros horn due to it's belief to have medicinal or aphrodisiac powers, come on people, just stick to the little blue pills. Cutting of it's horn leaves the animal naked, insecure, vulnerable to the world, unable to protect itself. Rabbit's foot, good luck charm perhaps? You may argue that the creature is already dead before depriving it of it's whole body. Why not an ancestor's finger or toe then? Every decision to stop supporting this cruel act increases the chance of the survival of these creatures because if the buying stops, the killing will too.

It's time we realized the vulnerability of Mother Nature in the hands of the growing mindless society. Stop the extinctions of the beautiful creations God have made. Hug a tree today people, hug a tree. Don't leave your human waste of non-biodegradable products just lying every where. Love green. Refuse water pollution, stand up against factory waste into the sea. Clear the beaches, save the creatures of the sea from suffocation and being poisoned. Love blue. Stop air pollution, dump the CFC filled cans. Curb your food binges, stop the constant fridge visits. Use the fan, open the windows, enjoy the air God had intended. Car pool, take public transport instead of contributing to the pollution. Love white.

You see my friends, to those of you who persisted till the end of my rambling, I love you, and so does your nature friends you see everyday. Conserve the environment, conserve life. Appreciate the beauty of a leaf, a steam and even the ends of the roots. Save the animals, have a heart. Adopt a pet today, stand up againts animal abuse and love your animal. Pet a stray today, then remember to wash your hands. Share the LOVE. Because without LOVE we are nothing.

I LOVE you all.


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