I think when you know you've been given something or already have something, you should use it. And if you don't, it should be taken away.
In life, we must always live for something, for a purpose. But that doesn't mean there isn't time for fun!
But all in all, whatever He's given me, I'm going to use it for His glory. There's not point in me keeping it to myself or not using it at all. But whatever I do, it's to let people know that it's not me, it's Him. And if I'm always in hiding, no one will ever know what He's given and the awesomeness He is.
I'm ever so thankful that God has blessed me with a family (spiritual too) that supports His work in and through me. That guides me and allows me space to grow and learn yet correcting me when there's a need.
There's SO much to be thankful for this year. Even though there were plenty of setbacks. But I'm just really glad everything is in His hands. Actually pinky. But who's complaining right.
CHRISTMAS is the greatest time of the year. Brings such joy to people who know Him and even to those who don't. Though we get the more glorious end of the candycane.
Pretty lights and giant trees. Mountains of candy and presents, OH presents! Festive music, choral singing, dancing children. It's the loveliest time of the year. It's so unexplainable, it's just AWESOME.
Unexplainable like how God sent us Jesus. The greatest gift of all. To be nailed to a tree to save us from eternal damnation.
Like how God gave, there's no greater Christmas/birthday present than to give. The joy of giving. To give to others what God has given to me.
Christmas isn't a time for self-admiration. There's no time for that! If you make the greatest muffins, draw the prettiest christmas tree, plan the awesomest outing, can play 'silent night' on water-filled wineglasses, it's a talent God has given you. SHARE IT. Because with what you can do, it brings joy to others. And that's what we should be doing. Sharing the love!
It's the perfect time to go out there and share the love of Jesus Christ. Everytime a Christmas carol is sung, I feel terribly fuzzy inside. What a wonderful feeling!
It's just such an awesome time of the year. Sacrifices have been made. But I always tell myself to re-focus and to know that it's about Him, not puny old me.
And like God gave, I'mma give too.
So join me,